
Dr. Batra On Diets For Low Heamoglobin Count…

Dr. Mukesh Batra, India’s top homeopathic doctor advices…

Query: My wife had some cough and after she vomited little blood. Then I took her to the doctor and she asked to do a blood test. In the blood test result show she is very anemic. Her hemoglobin count is 9 and ESR( Erythrocytic Sedimentation Rate) is 58. Seeing this, the Doctor asked her to take proper food, lots of greens, milk, egg, fruits and vegetables. Could you advice me on the kind of food she should include in her weekly diet? Thanks

Dr. Batra suggests:

Consume green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek (methi) leaves, lettuce, lentils (chawli) as salads and soups.

Eat at least 2 – 3 fruits especially pomegranates, apples, sweet limes, oranges, guavas, strawberries, kiwis.

Consume plenty of fluids like buttermilk, coconut water, limejuice and water of course. The total fluid intake per day should be around 8 – 10 glasses of water.

Vitamin A
Consume foods like carrots, broccoli, apricots, papaya, mangoes and pumpkin at least once a day so that you get your daily quota of Vitamin A.

Zinc Intake
Consume foods rich Zinc, like, whole-wheat products and shellfish.

Vitamin E
Foods rich in Vitamin E like groundnuts, almonds, wheat germ, seafood etc should be consumed in abundance,

A diet rich in iron including, greens leafy vegetables; millets like jowar, bajra, ragi; jaggery, dates and figs, garden cress seeds, organ meats, chicken, egg yolk, water melon etc would be helpful.

Vitamin C
Include lemons, oranges, sweet limes and capsicum for better absorption of iron. Consume at least 1 medium (cup) katori sprouted pulses and legumes daily and lean chicken and fish twice or thrice a week.

• Avoid consuming foods that are very spicy and oily.
• Do not keep a gap of more than 3 hours between meals.

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