
Are You Detoxifying Your System?

Are You Detoxifying Your System?

A healthy immune system is possible only if you know how the body becomes ill and if you understand the forces that keep it healthy. Optimum nutrient intake and a regular cleansing routine offer a powerful defense against the onslaught of disease…In this article, I talk about by fasting (the right) way is good for health…

Your Blood & Immunity Levels

Your immunity depends upon the performance of your blood. If your blood is lacking in nutrients or if it is overloaded with toxins, it could have serious consequences on your health. The blood is made up of the watery plasma, the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the cells the whit blood cells that destroy bacteria and the blood platelets that help in blood clotting .The blood transports hormones, regulating the acid base, balance and body temperature amongst other functions. There are hundreds of toxic substances that enter our body through air, water & food. These could make your transport system (blood) less efficient and result in inadequate oxygenation of the cells, making them weaker and thus susceptible to disease.

What is Blood Cleansing?

Cleansing the blood is all about flushing out the toxins and providing it nutrients that it may be lacking such as iron, zinc, copper proteins etc.

Fasting Is Good For Health!

Fasting is an effective method of helping your body to cleanse itself of the toxins because during a immune function and the elimination cycle. Also, when you fast there are less fats in the blood, so the blood ‘thins’ down thus promoting better transportation of oxygen and nutrients and whit blood corpuscles which helps improve over all health.

Fasting also improves mental alertness, reduces influx of new toxins, promotes toxins, promotes toxin excretion and thus reduces total body toxicity.

A Fasting Plan

On The First Two Days: Eat raw fruits and vegetables only. You could also drink 8-10 glasses of boiled water. The best juice to use during a fast is fresh lime juice in warm water. You could also drink apple and grape juice and vegetable juice made of beetroot.

On The Third day: No solid food yet. However water, herbal tea & juices made from fruits or vegetables can be consumed in plenty. For example on the 3rd day you could take juices from 3 carrots & 1 beetroot or you could take juice made from ½ a bunch of coriander leaves with lime. You could either push the leaves through a juicer or blend them with water in a mixture, strain & squeeze some lime juice before drinking it.

After Three Days: You could begin by eating a soft diet of vegetable soups, porridge, khichdi, dal soups before going on to a normal diet. But make sure you eat small frequent meals rather than 2 large meals after 3 days of fasting to avoid discomfort, distension and bloating. Before the cleansing fast you could take 2 tablespoons of isabgol daily for a week to promote cleansing of the colon.

Avoid: Tea and coffee during the 3 days of fasting. Switch to herbal teas instead like ginger with tulsi, lemon grass tea or chamomile tea.Cleansing can be achieved by eating on raw fruits and vegetables only. You could also drink 8-10 glasses of boiled water. The best juice to use during a fast is fresh lime juice in warm water. You could also drink juice of apple, and grapes .Vegetables juices made from beetroot. Avoid tea and coffee during the 3 days of fasting. Switch to herbal teas instead like ginger with tulsi.

After 3 Days: Soon after these 3 days you could begin by eating a soft diet of vegetable soups, porridge, khichidi, dal soups before going on to a normal diet. But make sure you eat small frequent meals rather than 2 large meals after 3 days of fasting to avoid discomfort, distension and bloating.

Note: Before the cleansing fast you could take 2 table spoons of isabgol daily for a week to promote cleansing of the colon.

Caution: If you suffer from any medical conditions take the advice of your physician before starting a fast.

Fasting Must-Do’s:

• As you begin to detoxify with a cleansing fast, toxins are released from your body and you may experience fatigue, dry skin, headaches, dizziness, irritability etc. Therefore make sure that when you begin your cleansing routine you are not in the middle of a hectic schedule like touring or shifting residence or exams etc.

• You should get adequate rest during a fast, may be even a nap in the afternoons to help recharge your batteries.

• If you follow a 3 day fast every month it will help your body to detoxify itself regularly.

• But, when you begin normal life again the toxins will build up again until next month when the cleansing routine should be repeated. In this way by fasting regularly you can give all your organs a rest and help reverse the aging process & live a longer & healthier life.

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