
Summer Exercises:

Shed that stubborn roll around your middle with circuit training as it ensures that you work your muscles in a slightly different way while strengthening your body at every angle. Do the exercises as a circuit; moving from one to the next one without rest. Complete a total of three circuits of these five exercises, resting for 1 min after each.

Here are the five exercises:

Squats: Stand with feet wider than your shoulders, toes slightly pointed out. Pretend as if you are sitting on a chair until the top of your thighs are parallel to the ground. Don’t let your knees cross over your toes. Pull your abs in and squeeze your hips as you come up and exhale. Repeat this around 25 times.

Lunge pumps: Stand with your feet apart, wider than the shoulders, abs pulled in, take a step forward, lower your body to kneeling position. Bend your back knee close to the ground; your front knee should never cross over your toes. Exhale as you come up. Repeat this 12 to 15 times for each leg.

Standing bicycles: Stand with feet wider than shoulders, place the hands behind your ears. Move your left leg up and across your body. Bring the right shoulder and elbow down and across your body. Exhale as your knee comes up. Do 25 to 30 reps each side.

Push-up plank and move: Begin in a push up position, hand wider than your shoulder, draw back your navel, walk with your feet towards your hands as far as you can. Then walk your hands out to push up plank position. Repeat the move. Exhale as you bring your feet close to your hands and repeat it for 15 to 20 times.

Crunches with raised hips: Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips off the floor, hold this position throughout the exercise. Pull your abs in and hands at your ears. Raise your shoulder blade off the floor and exhale. Don’t drop your hips down until you finish 20 to 30 reps.


Always warm-up before workout and cool off with stretches after your workout. Keep sipping water during the workouts.

If you feel tired or fatigued, stop immediately. Remember it’s about working out smarter not harder.


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