
Natural Weight-Loss Food: Grapefruit

No, grapefruit is not a calorie-free fruit, as some diets would have you believe. Despite its reputation as a "fat-burner," grapefruit has no special ability to burn away excess fat. But it is low in calories, and its soluble fiber content is decent enough to fill you up, discouraging you from overeating.

So yes, grapefruit can help you lose weight, just not as easily as some would say. And it's nutritious, to boot. Grapefruit is a tart-tasting fruit not everyone enjoys. But for those who do, grapefruit offers a lot of nutrition for few calories.

Health Benefits

Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Pink and red grapefruit are good sources of disease-fighting beta-carotene. If you peel and eat a grapefruit like you would an orange, you get a good dose of cholesterol-lowering pectin from the membranes -- the same soluble fiber that fills you up by dissolving in water and creating gels. As a member of the citrus family, grapefruit is also a storehouse of powerful phytochemicals such as flavonoids, terpenes, and limonoids. These naturally occurring substances may have cancer-preventing properties.

Nutritional Values

Grapefruit, Pink or Red
Serving Size: 1/2 fruit
Calories: 52
Fat: <1 g
Saturated: Fat 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Carbohydrate: 13 g
Protein: 1 g
Dietary Fiber: 2 g
Sodium: 0 mg
Vitamin A: 1,414 IU
Niacin: <1 mg
Vitamin C: 38 mg
Potassium: 166 mg
Carotenoids: 2,589 mcg

Pink grapefruit contain a carotenoid called lycopene. Lycopene helps protect cell membranes and may suppress tumor growth, especially prostate tumors.

Selection and Storage

Grapefruit isn't picked unless it's fully ripe, making selection a no-brainer. However, choose ones that are heavy for their size; they're juiciest. And avoid those that are soft or mushy, or oblong rather than round. They are generally of poorer quality -- possibly pithy and less sweet. The difference in taste among white, red, and pink varieties of grapefruit is minimal; they are equally sweet (and equally tart). Store grapefruit in your refrigerator's crisper drawer; they'll keep for up to two months.

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