
Copper Benefits:

Our skin, bones and brain benefit greatly from copper. Here’s how it can be beneficial to us:
Helpful component
Many are aware of the importance of iron in preventing anaemia, but few know that copper,  also plays a critical role. Without small amounts of copper circulating in the body, iron cannot be absorbed from the intestinal tract or released from its storage sites in the liver and elsewhere.
The healing agent
Copper is an essential ingredient in the making of melanin — the pigment that is responsible for your skin and hair colour. It is also necessary in the formation of collagen. Copper deficiency leads to white patches.

Strong bones
 Copper compounds are used in the treatment of numerous conditions characterised by arthritic changes, osteoporosis and inflammations.
Brain and nerve power
Copper is needed to build and maintain myelin, the protective sheath of nerves. It is also needed for the development of the brain from the embryonic stage.
Required dosage
The required copper intake, as per WHO standards is 0.4 to 2.0 mg per day for children and 1.5 to 3.0 mg per day for adults. It should not exceed 10mg a day.

Dietary source
The best source of copper for vegetarians  lies in whole grains, nuts, raisins, lentils, chocolates, all cereals, potatoes, dark green vegetables, papaya, apples etc. Shellfish and red meat should be consumed by non-vegetarians.


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