




Botanically it is know as Plantago ovata Forak. It is an almost stemless small herb, coveted with dense or soft hairy growth. Leaves are 8 to 25 cm long and very narrow. Flowers are minute. Seeds are boatshaped. The seeds of this plant constitute the drug. Isabgul is very useful in acute constipation and in dysentery both amoebic and bacillary. It is also useful as a soothing agent for mucous membranes. Isabgul is obtained by crushing the seeds and separating the husk by winnowing. The embryo oil of seeds having 50% linoleic acid prevents stroke.

Benefit and uses of Isabgul.

  • Isabgul effective drug on diarrhoea, constipation, intestine heat, ulcer, gastritis, vomit, dry cough & burning sensation during urine passage.
  • Isabgul treat the breaks kidney stone.
  • Isabgol is also used in piles, fissures and fistulas to bring down the burning sensation after defecation. It also helps to prevent strain during defecation in those who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hernia and pregnancy.
  • Help reduce risk of heart attack by decreasing serum cholesterol through proper excretion of bile acids.
  • It is used for coughs and broncitis, as a tea, tincture, or syrup. The broad-leaved varieties are sometimes used as a leaf vegetable for salads, green sauce.

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