
How to Stay on Fitness Track

I have a friend who was just telling me the other day that she is putting on weight and she is now in the process of losing a little weight. I told her that losing weight is a long process and she needs to be patient. Like a lot of people, she asked if there is an easier way to lose weight and thought maybe she will go for liposuction.

"Well, you can consider that if you do not mind spending the money. And to be frank, if you do not change your eating and living habits, the extra pounds will come back to you." I said.

Indeed, changing our eating and living habits are promising ways to losing weight and to
healthier living. However, we need perseverance and determination to see us through. And the most important thing is, you must be ready to commit to the change. Are you ready to lose weight and to live a healthier life? Wishing everyone a healthier 2008!

Resolutions are an opportunity for us to create positive goals.

Unfortunately, on average, most health and fitness resolution last only about four weeks, and then it is back to old habits.

Here are some suggestions to help keep you on track this year.

No more excuses. We often justify our behavior with what we want to believe are good reasons. Two of the most commonly heard excuses when it comes to absence of exercise are lack of time and/or money.

Getting into shape does not require a health club membership, expensive equipment or putting aside hours of your time each day.

It boils down to taking a look at your activity level, and if it is not where it should be, making a few simple changes that will get you up and moving.

If you have desk job, for example, make a resolution to use your breaks to take a walk and stretch out. If your building has stairs, use them.

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