
What is liberation?.

What is liberation? Is it a solution to all our
problems? Is it peace of mind? I do not believe that
there is a problem that cannot be solved by man. Then
why Nama Kirtan?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

You are right! There is no problem that cannot be
solved by man.

Instead of taking problems one by one, if you put in a
little more thought, you will realize that the only
way to reach the problem-free point is never to be
born again.

To look at it the differently, what do you mean by

It is an everlasting, absolute state of happiness -
not temporary, but permanent: not mixed with a droplet
of sorrow. How do we attain that state? if we are born
and lead a life we are bound to get some problem at
some point. So to attain eternal peace, it is
imperative that we never be born again; get out of the
cycle of births and deaths; get liberated.

That is the ideal solution and the way it is achieved
is, through Nama Kirtan. It is not an alien effort. It
is indeed the only solution and is very much in your
own hands.

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